European Journal of Fine and Visual Arts (EJ-ART) is a peer-reviewed international journal published by European Open Science bimonthly. The journal publishes:

  • - State-of-the-art full-length research papers
  • - Reviews
  • - Case studies
  • - Short Communications

related to all areas of Fine and Visual Arts.

All submitted articles:

  • - must be original
  • - must be previously unpublished research results
  • - must be experimental or theoretical
  • - and will be peer-reviewed
  • - may not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during the review period


EJ-ART is currently accepting manuscripts for publication in English. The journal considers papers that have not been published previously nor submitted simultaneously elsewhere in any language. The copyright form will be provided by the publisher for the accepted papers. 

The continuously increasing scientific relevance of the published articles and the improvement of the quality of printed copies are the main goals of our editorial policy. 


Author Fees

The journal charges the following author fees:

  • - Article Publication Fee: 99.00 GBP.
  • - The fee for publishing an article covers up to 10 pages in PDF format. If the article extends beyond 10 pages, the journal will charge an additional 10 GBP for each extra page.

NOTE : Authors are not required to format their articles to match the journal's template since the publisher will provide this service. However, authors are responsible for providing high-quality figures (300 dpi), numerical equations (typed out, not as images), table/figure captions, keywords, author affiliations, and ORCID IDs. For more information, read AUTHOR GUIDELINES.



Authors are subject to a 10% discount for their recurring publication within 5 months after the date of their first publication.



The journal's content is indexed in CrossRef and assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). This means all of our references are made available and the publishing community can track citations with a DOI number.

In addition, this journal is indexed in Google Scholar, ROAD, SCILIT, WorldCat, and ScienceOpen.



Zero Tolerance for Plagiarism

This journal has a policy of “Zero Tolerance on Plagiarism”. We check the plagiarism issue through two methods: reviewer check and plagiarism prevention tool ( All submissions will be checked by plagiarism prevention software before being sent to reviewers.


Focus and Scope

European Journal of Fine and Visual Arts (EJ-ART) is a high-quality, open access, international, peer-reviewed online journal that aims to monthly publish full-length original research papers, reviews, and case studies related to all areas of Fine and Visual Arts such as:

  • Art and Architecture
  • Art and Art History
  • Art and Culture
  • Architecture across Cultures
  • Ceramics
  • Contemporary Arts
  • Film and Digital Photography
  • History of Photography
  • Life Drawing
  • Literature
  • Medieval Art
  • Metalsmithing
  • Modern Art
  • Paper Arts
  • Painting
  • Photography
  • Printmaking
  • Printmaking: The First Media Revolution
  • The Figure in Clay
  • Theories of Postmodernism
  • Water-Based Painting
  • Woodworking

Peer Review Process

The process of review is considered critical to establishing a reliable body of research and knowledge. The review process aims to make authors meet the standards of their discipline and science in general.

We use a double-blind system for peer-reviewing; both reviewers’ and authors’ identities remain anonymous to each other. The paper will be peer-reviewed by two or three experts; one is an editorial staff and the other two are external reviewers. 

The editor will pass the manuscripts that are accepted for publication to a publisher who will be responsible for organizing the editorial services and online printing of the publication.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available after publication on the EJ-ART website to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Plagiarism Statement

EJ-ART has a policy of Zero Tolerance for Plagiarism. We check the plagiarism issue through two methods: reviewer check and plagiarism prevention tool (

All submissions will be checked by plagiarism prevention software before being sent to reviewers.


Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

The publication of an article in the peer-reviewed European Journal of Fine and Visual Arts (EJ-ART) is an essential building block in the development of a coherent and respected network of knowledge. It is a direct reflection of the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions that support them. Peer-reviewed articles support and embody the scientific method. It is therefore important to agree upon standards of expected ethical behaviour for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the authors, the journal editors, the peer reviewers, the publisher, and the society.
The ethics statements for our journal are based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

Manuscript Withdrawal and Refund Policies

Authors may withdraw their manuscripts at any stage of the submission, peer review, or copyediting process. However, please note that manuscripts withdrawn after the copyediting process has begun will not be eligible for a refund of the Article Processing Fee (APF). This policy reflects the fact that once the copyediting process has commenced, significant resources and editorial work have already been invested in preparing the manuscript for publication.

To clarify:

  • Before Copyediting: Authors who choose to withdraw their manuscript before the copyediting phase begins will be eligible for a full refund of the Article Processing Fee, provided that no copyediting or proofreading has been conducted yet.
  • After Copyediting Begins: Once the copyediting process has begun, the Article Processing Fee is non-refundable.